Spine is a very fast poller engine, written in C. It is an optional replacement for cmd.php. If you decide to use it, you will have to install it explicitely. It does not come with cacti itself.
The easiest way is to install Spine using rpm or ports. You will find packages for Spine at the main cacti site or from your distribution.
To compile Spine, please download it to any location of your liking. Then, please issue from the downloaded directory following commands
shell>libtoolize --force (glibtoolize --force on Max OS)
shell>make install
Assuming, you've managed to install Spine correctly, you will have to configure it. The configuration file may be placed in the same directory as Spine itself or at /etc/Spine.conf.
DB_Host or hostname (not localhost) DB_Database cacti DB_User cactiuser DB_Password cacti DB_Port 3306
All other pre 0.8.6 settings are obsolete.