This script is used to specify special graph permissions to users. The list of parameters is displyed as usual when calling the script with the parameter --help
shell>php -q add_perms.php --help Add Permissions Script 1.0, Copyright 2004-2012 - The Cacti Group A simple command line utility to add permissions to tree items in Cacti usage: add_perms.php [ --user-id=[ID] ] --item-type=[graph|tree|host|graph_template] --item-id [--quiet] Where item-id is the id of the object of type item-type List Options: --list-users --list-trees --list-graph-templates --list-graphs --host-id=[ID]
The list of users is retrieved by calling the script with the parameter --list-users. It goes like
shell>php -q add_perms.php --list-users Known Users: id username full_name 1 admin Administrator 3 guest Guest Account
The list of trees is retrieved by calling the script with the parameter --list-trees. It goes like
shell>php -q add_perms.php --list-trees Known Trees: id sort method name 1 Manual Ordering (No Sorting) Default Tree
The list of available graph templates is retrieved by calling the script with the parameter --list-graph-templates. It goes like
shell>php -q add_perms.php --list-graph-templates Known Graph Templates:(id, name) 2 Interface - Traffic (bits/sec) 3 ucd/net - Available Disk Space 4 ucd/net - CPU Usage 5 Karlnet - Wireless Levels 6 Karlnet - Wireless Transmissions 7 Unix - Ping Latency 8 Unix - Processes 9 Unix - Load Average ...
To be able to add a permissions to a specific Graph, the id of that very graph is required. Thus, a --list-graphs --host-id=[id] option was implemented
shell>php -q add_perms.php --list-graphs --host-id=1 Known Host Graphs: (id, name, template) 1 Localhost - Memory Usage Linux - Memory Usage 2 Localhost - Load Average Unix - Load Average 3 Localhost - Logged in Users Unix - Logged in Users 4 Localhost - Processes Unix - Processes 5 Localhost - Traffic - eth0 Interface - Traffic (bits/sec, 95th Percentile) 33 Localhost - Used Space - Memory Buffers Host MIB - Available Disk Space 34 Localhost - Used Space - Real Memory Host MIB - Available Disk Space 35 Localhost - Used Space - Swap Space Host MIB - Available Disk Space 36 Localhost - Used Space - / Host MIB - Available Disk Space 37 Localhost - Used Space - /sys Host MIB - Available Disk Space 38 Localhost - Used Space - /boot Host MIB - Available Disk Space
There are various ways to define graph permissions to specific users. First, we will add graph permissions for a given host. This is done using the parameter --item-type=host as follows
shell>php -q add_perms.php --user-id=4 --item-type=host --item-id=1
--user-id=4 must specify an existing users. Else, an error message will be printed. As --item-type=host is given, --item-id=1 must specify a valid host. Again, if no host with this specific id exists, an error message will be printed. No output is produced on successful operations.
Next, we will add graph permissions for a given tree. This is done using the parameter --item-type=tree as follows
shell>php -q add_perms.php --user-id=4 --item-type=tree --item-id=1
--user-id=4 must specify an existing users. Else, an error message will be printed. As --item-type=tree is given, --item-id=1 must specify a valid tree (the Default Tree in this case). Again, if no tree with this specific id exists, an error message will be printed. No output is produced on successful operations.
Adding graph permissions for a given graph template is done using the parameter --item-type=graph_template as follows
shell>php -q add_perms.php --user-id=4 --item-type=graph_template --item-id=25
--user-id=4 must specify an existing users. Else, an error message will be printed. As --item-type=graph_template is given, --item-id=1 must specify a valid graph_template (the Interface - Traffic (bytes/sec) in this case). Again, if no graph template with this specific id exists, an error message will be printed. No output is produced on successful operations.
Last but not least we add graph permissions for a given graph by using the parameter --item-type=graph as follows
shell>php -q add_perms.php --user-id=4 --item-type=graph --item-id=8
--user-id=4 must specify an existing users. Else, an error message will be printed. As --item-type=graph is given, --item-id=1 must specify a valid graph. Again, if no graph template with this specific id exists, an error message will be printed. No output is produced on successful operations.